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Are Grasshopper scripting components supported?

Premium feature

Script components are only available to users with a paid ShapeDiver subscription.

All native script components in Grasshopper can be used on ShapeDiver by users with a paid ShapeDiver subscription. However, there are some points to keep in mind when uploading models that include script components.

Manual checking process

Every script included in an uploaded model will go through a manual reviewing process, so as to check that it does not make use of any functionalities that are forbidden on ShapeDiver, nor does it contain malicious code that could damage the ShapeDiver servers.

Our team manually reviews all uploaded scripts, which are either approved for ShapeDiver usage or denied. This review process is usually done within a few hours, after which you will receive a platform notification and a confirmation email if your settings have allowed it.

Once the review is complete, the upload process can resume from the edit screen of the model. The model will be published after first clicking “Save” from the edit screen.

Previously approved scripts

The manual checking process happens only the first time a script is included in an uploaded Grasshopper definition. As long as the script is not modified, further uploads will skip the checking step and can be automatically approved by the platform.

Manage assemblies in C# and VB scripts

C# and VB scripts allow referencing local DLLs from the script context menu:


Since the local file system on ShapeDiver servers cannot be accessed, this is typically not allowed.

Referencing external packages in C# and Python scripts in Rhino 8

In Rhino 8, the new scripting editor now allows referencing nuget packages in C#, as well as scientific libraries and PyPI packages in Python.

Such external libraries are compatible with ShapeDiver. However, any newly referenced library will go through the usual manual checking process from members of our team. A thorough review of the library and its functionalities needs to be done before allowing its installation and further usage on ShapeDiver servers.

List of currently allowed external packages

For C# scripts:

For Python scripts:

Script components on Enterprise systems

ShapeDiver Enterprise subscriptions include dedicated sets of servers for specific clients. On such server systems, scripting restrictions are virtually nonexistent, although we recommend our clients thoroughly understand the limitations of several functionalities in the context of remote computations.

Enterprise clients further have the ability to completely disable the manual checking process in order to get their models instantly approved after uploading.

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