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Camera settings

The Camera settings panel lets you define one or several preset views for the model.

Once the model is saved, the viewer (outside of Edit mode) includes a camera button in the 3d canvas that lets users list the preset views by name and switch between them.

Default camera presets

After uploading a model, the viewer automatically defines a series of default camera presets fitting the geometry of the scene:

  • One “Perspective” camera

  • 6 orthographic cameras with names corresponding to their position (“Top”, “Bottom”, “Left”, “Right”, “Front” and “Back”)

Update the set of cameras

The previous presets as well as any camera defined in the model can be removed and edited. There only needs to be at least one camera defined in the scene, in which case the camera button will not be visible in the viewer.

Use the context menu of a specific camera to remove it. Further cameras can be added to the scene by using the + button at the top right of the panel. Additionally, camera scenes can be imported from previous models using the context menu, like any other viewer settings.

Edit a single camera


Use the context menu of a specific camera to rename it. The name of the camera is the one that will help users identify it in the list of options of the viewer.

Editing the position

Editing other camera settings

In order to update the configuration of a specific camera, unroll the accordion element to list the options attached to it. Find the list of options below.

Option name



Switch between a perspective camera or one of the orthographic preset options.

Field of view

Camera frustum vertical field of view, from bottom to top of view, in degrees.

Disable zoom

Enable or disable zooming in the viewer when scrolling (desktop) or pinching (touch screens).

Zoom speed

Speed of the camera movement during zooming interactions. Normalized value between 0 and 1.

Disable pan

Enable or disable panning in the viewer when dragging with the right mouse button (desktop) or three fingers (touch screen).

Pan speed

Speed of the camera movement during panning interactions. Normalized value between 0 and 1.

Disable rotation

Enable or disable rotations in the viewer when dragging with the left mouse button (desktop) or one finger (touch screen).

Rotation speed

Speed of the camera movement during rotations. Normalized value between 0 and 1.

Auto rotation

Define the direction and speed of the camera auto rotation. By default, the camera does not autorotate (value 0). Negative values triggers a clockwise rotation around the Z axis while positive values define an anti-clockwise rotation. The speed is controlled by the amplitude of the value.

Damping factor

Define how fast the camera movements are attenuated after a camera movement (zoom, pan, rotation). Lower values of the damping factor imply long residual camera movements after interactions while higher values cause the movement to slow down and stop faster when the mouse or touch is released.

Zoom factor

The distance between the camera and its target (by default the center of the scene) will be multiplied by this value.

Camera adjust

When changing parameters, the scale and position of the objects in the scene can change significantly. When this setting is active, the camera automatically adjusts the position and target of the camera after parameters are changed.

Adjust duration

Duration (in milliseconds) of the camera movement after the camera is adjusted (automatically if "Camera Adjust" is active or through an update call).

Camera revert

When this setting is active, the camera will return to its default position after any mouse or touch interaction with the viewer.

Revert duration

Duration (in milliseconds) of the camera movement after the camera is reverted. Only used when "Camera Revert" is active.

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