Account analytics - Credits
Take me to my credit analytics.
The “Credits” category of the Analytics section of the dashboard provides details about how credits are spent across all the models of your account. Various options allow you to pick a time period and filter the results based on how the credits were spent and in which location.

Time period
The time picker of the “Credits” subsection lets you pick two separate days to define the period for which the report should be displayed. Any two dates can be selected by using the two top arrays to navigate between months. The same date can be selected twice to display the analytics of a single day.
Analytics take a few hours to aggregate. For that reason, including the current day in the chosen time period will lead to incomplete data for the last few hours before the request
Credit types
Four metrics are available to analyze the way your models consume credits.
When this filter is selected, the graph displays the total number of credits consumed by the account over the selected time period.
Viewer sessions
When this filter is selected, the graph displays the number of credits consumed by models embedded using an iframe or through the viewer API. One credit is spent each time someone browses to a page embedding one of your models. If the session lasts more than 10 minutes, another credit is spent, and so on for each 10 minute period after that, as long as the user keeps interacting with the model.
When this filter is selected, the graph displays the number of credits consumed by requesting file exports from any of your uploaded models. This includes exports requested directly on the ShapeDiver platform, in embedded models, or through the geometry backend API. One credit is spent for each export request.
When this filter is selected, the graph displays the number of credits consumed by requesting computations through the geometry backend API. A computation corresponds to an API call that requests a solution for an update set of parameter values for the model (one or several parameter values can be udpated simultaneously using the API). One credit is spent for every 10 computation requests sent through the geometry backend API.
You can further filter the data from each of the categories above by using the source filters at the top right of the graph. Sources correspond to the location where the credits of each category was spent. There are currently three different locations where credits can be spent:
Opening a viewer session on the ShapeDiver platform does not trigger any credit consumption. Therefore, the only type of credits that can be spent on the platform corresponds to export requests.
When a model is embedded using an iframe or the viewer API, it can spend credits in two ways: through viewer sessions and export requests.
Using the geometry backend API, one can interact with ShapeDiver models without opening viewer sessions. Instead, credits are spent based on computation requests (see the Computations category above) and export requests.