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Developers settings

In this section, users with the required features can enable access to their models for direct embedding usage as well as access through the backend API.


Allow direct embedding

By checking the “Allow direct embedding” box, you have the ability to enable embedding for the ShapeDiver model from web browsers. It is necessary to enable embedding in the following cases:

Note that this will automatically enable the “Allow iframe embedding” setting at the same time (see Iframe Settings).

Make sure the domain name of the web application from which the model will be accessed is whitelisted. You can set up domains for embedding in your account’s embedding settings. If you are part of an organization, domains are managed through your organization’s embedding settings.

Once the box is checked, three elements are displayed in the section:

  • An embedding ticket

  • The model view URL, which indicates which backend system is hosting the model. ShapeDiver uses several geometry backend systems and it is important to specify which one hosts your model when using the viewer API.

  • As a read-only information, the domains you have whitelisted for embedding are displayed on the right.

You can copy the ticket and the model view URL and use them with the viewer API to build a custom web application. The simple example on this page clearly shows where to use both elements in order to start a session to your model.

The embedding ticket can only be used to open a session with the model from a web browser. In order to communicate with the model in a headless context (applications that do not run in a web browser), you will need to enable backend access and use a ticket for backend access (see section below).

Allow backend access

In some applications, you might want to bypass the ShapeDiver Viewer and directly communicate with the ShapeDiver Geometry Backend from a backend application, in order to send computation and export requests and get results without going through a web browser. This is possible using the Geometry Backend API, which you can read more about here.

Using the Geometry Backend API from client applications which are not browsers requires a different permission, and a different ticket than the one used for embedding. You can enable backend access and retrieve a backend ticket by checking the “Allow backend access” box.

Once the box is checked, two elements are displayed in the section:

  • A ticket for backend access.

  • The model view URL, which indicates which backend system is hosting the model. ShapeDiver uses several geometry backend systems and it is important to specify which one hosts your model when using the geometry backend API.

Find more information about how to use the ticket for backend access in our geometry backend documentation.

If you want to use the ShapeDiver viewer to build an application running in a web browser, you should rather enable embedding for your model and use the embedding ticket with the viewer API. (see section above). This also applies if you are directly accessing the Geometry Backend from a web browser.


Require strong authorization

If this setting is turned on, the embedded model will be protected through a secure JWT mechanism, about which you can read more here.

The strong authorization mechanism adds a layer of security to models embedded through iframes, direct embedding and accessed through the backend API. It requires however additional setup which might not be suitable or practical for all applications. As a general rule, we recommend enabling strong authorization for models embedded through iframes but consider that session-based authorization is sufficient for many web applications like e-commerce configurators.

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