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FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

On this page we gather frequently asked questions by our users. For most of these questions some background knowledge is needed to understand the underlying issues. Here we try to go into detail on these questions, but if you have something else you want to know, reach out to us on the forum.

The colors of my model in the ShapeDiver Viewer are different from the colors in Rhino?

This is not a bug or an issue, but rather a result of differences in how the model is visualized between the two platforms. Rhino's default visualization is designed to be relatively simple and is optimized for efficiently working with the model. On the other hand, the ShapeDiver viewer is tailored for customer-ready visualization and includes post-processing effects. As a result, colors and visual elements may appear differently in the ShapeDiver viewer to enhance the overall presentation and user experience.

The rendering process in the ShapeDiver viewer involves multiple components, each influencing the final color representation. These components include rendering settings, lighting adjustments, environmental changes, and various other factors. Collectively, these properties play a crucial role in determining how colors are displayed in the final rendering.

There are a two different ways on how you can set up your model so that you achieve the visualization that you want:

  • Set the colors up in ShapeDiver: For a straightforward solution, consider exposing the colors utilized in your model as parameters and fine-tune them directly on the ShapeDiver platform. You have the option to establish default values for these colors via the platform. Once satisfied, you can hide these parameters, making them visible exclusively on the edit page.

    This method simplifies adjustments to other viewer settings, as you can immediately observe the outcomes. We recommend finding the right scene, environment, and lighting setup before delving into the precise refinement of your model's colors.

  • Approximate the Rhino settings: You can also chose to approximate the Rhino rendering settings in the ShapeDiver viewer. While there is no exact approximation of these settings, you can get close enough that the colors match up in both applications.
    We found that changing these settings leads to a close match, but feel free to try variations of it yourself:

    • Scene Settings → Advanced Rendering → Texture Encoding: linear

    • Scene Settings → Advanced Rendering → Output Encoding: linear

    • Scene Settings → Advanced Rendering → Physically Correct Lights: false

    • Light Scenes → Standard → directional0 → Intensity: 0.75

    • Light Scenes → Standard → ambient0 → Intensity: 0.25

    • Environment → Environment intensity: 0

Note: If you don’t care about realistic rendering, there is also the option to use an unlit material that accurately represents the color that is provided. This material change can only be done via the API and is only recommended for technical visualizations as this will not look realistic anymore.

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