Notification settings
Take me to my email notification settings.
Notification settings allow you to define precisely which type of emails you want to receive from ShapeDiver. There are three types of email notifications you can customize.
Upload notifications
These emails are sent when you upload a model that contains a script or encrypted cluster which our team needs to review and approve or deny. Since this review process might take a while, a notification is sent when the process is completed. In this section, you can decide whether you want to receive emails in the following two cases:
When my pending model was approved
When my pending model was denied
Note that even if you choose to not receive those emails, those notifications will remain available in the Notifications panel on the platform, accessible through the bell icon on the top right of your dashboard.
Sharing notifications
There are three types of sharing and transferring events that another user can trigger for your account, and this section lets you define in which cases you want to be notified by emails about these events:
When someone shared a model with me
When someone shared a saved state with me
When someone requested to transfer a model to me
Again, those notifications will remain available in the Notifications panel on the platform even if emails are disabled.
Other emails
Tips, tricks and recommendation: those emails contain suggestions and links to documentation articles and blog posts that are relevant to your activity on your ShapeDiver account (for example, we detected a lot of denied models, your uploaded models time out frequently, etc…).
Community newsletter: the ShapeDiver newsletter is not sent more than once a month and contains information about new features, user stories and other articles about the topics relevant to the ShapeDiver, Grasshopper and parametric design communities.