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Interaction components

Those components allow to define geometry that can interacted with in the online ShapeDiver viewer. When an interaction is complete in the viewer, information about the objects and how they were interacted with is sent to the definition and can be used during further computations.


Filtering objects for interactions

All interaction components include filtering options, allowing to specify which objects in the scene should be targeted for respective interactions:

  • The Selection Input component allows to filter which objects should be selectable in the viewer.

  • The Gumball Input component allows to filter which objects can be transformed using gumball widgets.

  • The Points Input component allows to filter objects that the points can snap to in the scene.

While each component's context is slightly different, the filtering strategy is common to all of them.


Here are the key steps to follow in order to filter objects successfully:

  1. Make sure the name attribute is set inside targeted objects. In all cases, filters target geometry present in the viewer scene through their name attribute. Read more about attributes here.

  2. Use the glTF 2.0 Display component to display geometry in the viewer. This component ensures that the name attribute is included in the objects of the online viewer scene. Also make sure to set the name of the display component to something unique.

In the example below, we display one mesh with the name attribute set to MyObject and include it in a glTF 2.0 Display component that we named MyDisplayComponent.

  1. Once steps 1 and 2 are taken care of, you can set the filter option of the relevant interaction component you are working with. In order to point to a specific object, use the dot-separated notation


In the example above, the filter should be set to MyDisplayComponent.MyObject:


Using wildcards

The name filters of interaction components allow to specify a list of names. For example, if one wants to filter two objects MyObject1 and MyObject2, both stored in the same “MyDisplayComponent”, each of them could be added in the list, as follows:


However, this method is not always practical, in case lots of objects should be targeted, or there might even be an unknown number of objects (depending on the other inputs of the definition). In order to handle these cases, it is possible to use a so-called wildcard notation; using the symbol , one can target multiple objects simultaneously. In our example, it would be possible to simply write MyDisplayComponent.* in the filter field in order to target both objects, or any number of objects that both belong to “MyDisplayComponent” and have a defined name attribute:


Fine-grained control using the scene tree

In the examples above, we have worked with simple names, but the name attribute also supports a dot-separated notation used to organize the scene tree in the online viewer. You can read more about how to use name to influence the scene tree here. Consider again the example from this article:

The display component contains four objects named, cubes.bottom, and spheres.bottom. In the online viewer, it means the scene is organized like this:

In the case of name filters, organizing the scene tree can help controlling which objects or groups of objects can be selected with a single-click in the viewer. In this example:

  • If one specifies MyDisplayComponent.cubes and MyDisplayComponent.spheres in the filter, only two objects will be selectable in the viewer: both spheres together on the one hand, and both cubes together on the other.

  • The same result can be achieved by only specifying MyDisplayComponent.*.

  • In order to make all objects selectable individually, one can specify

    • All names individually:, etc…

    • Use a wildcard at the end, just MyDisplayComponent.cubes.* and MyDisplayComponent.spheres.*.

    • Use two wildcards, simply MyDisplayComponent.*.*

  • If one wants to only make the two bottom objects selectable, it is possible to use a wildcard in the middle as follows: MyDisplayComponent.*.bottom.

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