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List Saved States

Read this article for general information about the “Client plugin” components and how to get started using them.

This component is designed for local usage. Grasshopper definitions that include it can not be uploaded to the ShapeDiver platform.

The List Models component allows you to search for and retrieve ShapeDiver Saved States from one or several ShapeDiver Model objects. It takes as input a ShapeDiver Model (read more here about this object) and allows to filter results using its other inputs:

In the example above, the component is used to search for all possible saved states (empty Filter input) which were created by the user (“My States”) for the input model. As a results, we see that the model includes only one saved state matching these criteria (“Example state”, with private visibility). Using a ShapeDiver Saved State primitive component, one can then use the context menu to open the model and preload this saved state in the ShapeDiver platform, as well as load its inputs and outputs. Read more about the ShapeDiver Saved State object here.

Use the various inputs of the components to refine your search:

  • Model: input one or several ShapeDiver Model objects. The component will look for saved states associated with these input models.

  • Filter (default: empty): when text is specified, it is used to filter saved states by their name. The component only returns saved states whose name contain exactly the specified text from this input.

  • Category (default: mymodels): filter by categories matching the ones of the online platform. The following options are available:

    • mystates: Return only states that you own on the platform.

    • all: Return all states you have access to

    • sharedwithme: Return saved states that other ShapeDiver users have directly shared with you.

  • Limit (default: 10): Maximum number of saved states returned by the component.

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