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Organization Global Settings

Take me to my organization settings.

Once you are part of an organization, the “Organization” subsection displays a range of information about the organization, its setup on ShapeDiver and a list of the organization members. Depending on your role in the organization, some or all of these settings might be disabled and only available for information purposes. The following settings are available.

General information

  • Logo (optional)

  • Website (optional)

  • Description (optional)

  • Slug (required): the last part of the url on the ShapeDiver platform for the page of your organization . This URL might only be accessible to members of your organization (closed visibility) or to anyone (public visibility). Coming soon.

Visibility and sharing


Closed organizations can not be found by any ShapeDiver user outside of the members of said organization. Members of the organization as well as the models they upload can also not become visible outside of the team.

Public organizations let organization members have public profiles that external users can share models with. Members can also make their own models public.


If sharing with ShapeDiver users outside the organization is enabled, the members of the organization will be able to share access to their models with users that are not part of the organization. If this setting is disabled, sharing will still be possible with other members of the organization, or via the organization visibility for models.

Link sharing

If link sharing is enabled, members of the organization are able to generate sharing links for their models that anyone can open, while keeping their models private or with the organization visibility. Read more about link sharing.

Email exposure

If this setting is enabled, members of the organization have the option to show their email address on their profile page.

Team settings

Default team name

All members can be assigned to specific team within the organization.

Use the “Default team name” settings to automatically assign new members to a team with the specified name. This is useful, in particular, if model visibility is restricted per team in your organization (see the following setting below). In that case, you can ensure that new members only see models tagged with the default team name.

The team of any member can still be updated later at any time.

Limit model visibility per team

If this setting is enabled, the visibility of models within the organization is further restricted for Consumers and Users that are part of a team. In that case, those members only have access to models under the following conditions:

  • The model’s visibility is set to “Organization”.

  • The model includes a tag matching the name of the member’s team.

Alternatively, if Consumers and Users are not assigned to a team, they will have access to all Organization models.

Read more about how to assign organization members to teams.

Read more about tagging models.

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