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ShapeDiver for Speckle

Speckle is a collaborative data hub that connects to various AEC tools. ShapeDiver connects with Speckle in the following ways:

Grasshopper connector

We support Speckle’s grasshopper connector on our Geometry Backend systems. The connector is deployed on all shared systems (Rhino 6, 7, and 8) and can be deployed on Enterprise systems at request.

The precise version of Speckle’s connector can be found on the Backend settings page of your dashboard. This page also shows which components of the connector are not supported.

The gist of how to use the Speckle connector on ShapeDiver:

  • Use the synchronous send and receive components. The default (asynchronous) send and receive components can not be used.

  • You need to create a personal access token for your Speckle account. The access token authorizes the API calls the Speckle Grasshopper connector will make on your behalf. The following scopes are required by the Grasshopper connector:

    • profile:read

    • streams:read

    • streams:write

Storing your token in a Grasshopper file or importing it using a Text input is not a good security practice. We plan to roll out a solution in Q1 2025 to securely pass secret tokens to your Grasshopper models running on ShapeDiver.

Example 1 - File importer

This example model uses an Import Geometry component to import any of the CAD file types supported by Rhino. The geometric objects and their imported attributes are converted to Speckle objects and sent to a Speckle stream.

Example 2 - File exporter

This example receives data from a Speckle stream and displays it. The received objects can be exported as a 3dm file or a drawing (DWG/DXF) file.

There is a known issue related to the synchronous receive component, which impacts the stability of this example. We are working with Speckle to get this resolved as soon as possible.


We are working on a solution to use ShapeDiver models as receivers for Speckle webhooks (and other webhooks). This will allow you to trigger computations of your Grasshopper models running on ShapeDiver whenever certain events happen to your streams, models, etc. For example, you could receive data from the stream that triggered the webhook, compute something based on the data, and send it back to another Speckle stream, resulting in a simple automation.

If you want to become an early tester for this feature, please join a Community catchup or an Onboarding call.

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