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ShapeDiver for Shopify

Official ShapeDiver App for Shopify

If you want to create an eCommerce website using Shopify, we will soon provide a Shopify plugin based on the App Builder. Create your ShapeDiver App entirely in Grasshopper, without writing any code: the App can then be used directly inside a shop created with Shopify and opens as an overlay on the product page. With the custom “Add To Cart” action component for App Builder, users can play with the configurator and add their configured product to the cart directly.

This feature will be released soon! Contact us if you are interested in trying it early

Third-party Shopify integration

Our partners at New Branch have developed a ShapeDiver integration for Shopify called Product Lab. Contact them if you are interested in getting started with your shop now! The setup might require some custom development to match your theme and requirements.

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