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Billing settings

Take me to my billing settings.

This page includes information about your current subscription, the features it includes, and the number of credits you spent through your usage of ShapeDiver for the current month. Free users have the possibility to start a trial for any of the paid ShapeDiver plans, while users who already subscribe to a plan can manage their subscription and their excess credit settings.

Your plan

The first section of the page contains information about the current plan associated with your account. If you have subscribed to a paid plan, the first paragraph shows the billing cycle (typically monthly or yearly) as well as the date when your plan will automatically be renewed.

Below, several cards list the various features and limits that are included with your plan:

  • Computation: this card shows the upper limitation for computations requests to the ShapeDiver servers. This represents the maximum amount of time your definitions are allowed to execute on the servers. It also shows the priority with which computation requests are processed for your account, with respect to other users sharing the same backend servers.

  • File limits: various limits are linked to the Grasshopper files you upload on the servers.

    • Grasshopper definitions: the maximum size of the definitions you can upload to the ShapeDiver servers.

    • Exports: the maximum size of the files that can be exported from your online models.

    • Outputs: the maximum size of the geometry assets displayed in your online models. Our workers create glTF files for displaying definition outputs, and this limit corresponds to the size of these glTF assets.

    • Textures: the maximum size allowed for textures used in material assets.

  • Sharing: which sharing features are included in your account.

    • Public models: make your models public and share the link with anyone

    • Private links: create private links that can be opened with anyone you share the link with

    • Secure, in-platform: securely share models with other ShapeDiver users.

  • Embedding: which embedding features are included in your account.

    • Iframe: copy and paste iframe codes of your online models to your websites.

    • App Builder: embed Apps created with the App Builder components in Grasshopper.

    • Viewer API: embed any model and create custom UIs using the viewer API.

  • Organizations: whether your account has access to the Organization feature, and how many users you can invite to your organization.

At the bottom of this section, Free users can click on “Start trial” to test any of the paid plans available. Paying users can click on “Upgrade” or “Manage plan” to check their subscription details and cancel or modify their subscription.


In this section, check how many ShapeDiver credits you consumed for the current month so far. Two types of credits are shown:

  • On the left, a card shows the number of credits included with your account, and how many were spent until the current day.

  • On the right, if the feature is available to your account, a card shows your excess credit limit, and how many excess credits were spent in the current month. You can also set or update the excess credit limit you want to allow per calendar month.

Read more about credits and how they are spent in the dedicated section.

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